Come follow my journey! I have no official art training and no real connections to get me into the art world. I am 36 years young and my dream is to become an artist, not just someone who makes art in their basement, but someone who successfully sells their art, and I will not give up on that dream! I would love to break into the world of mixed media art and maybe even have galley shows someday!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Well, Hello There!

Wow it's been an age since I posted last! Thanks to who started a mixed media group on facebook, I was inspired to come and visit my friends in my little art world and give you all an update. I'll try to make it short, one because honestly no one ever cares about the minute details of other peoples lives and two, I just took a 3 hour midterm and I need a nap!

We finally got everything moved to the new house. I keep asking everyone how could we have moved from a 1000 sq. ft. home to a 2200 sq ft house and still not have enough room??? I really do think i had every nook and cranny of our old place packed with stuff! So I have all of my beloved books and most of my art supplies out in the garage and I still have boxes of extra bathroom stuff, memorabilia and boxes of sheets and blankets in our bedroom.

Oh well! I am too busy to care.

I have been very very grateful to have a dishwasher!

I am annoyed however, that all the plans and dreams we had when we moved have not quite materialized which I did have a sneaking suspicion might happen due to the many shows on HGTV where the people featured say "well we had planned to do that when we moved..... and here HGTV was having to come and help them out 10 years later! I just did not want that to be us.


We did get beautiful furniture...

It looks a bit better now since we got the new TV and some decorations!

We painted all three bedrooms, part of our bathroom the guest bath and part of the kitchen. I still need to take pics of those. I'm pretty proud of the kitchen even though it's only one wall and it's not perfect. it's a creamy yellow and I framed and hung up one of my favorite prints...
Above that is a deco style bon appetite kinda like this one...
No that's not my kitchen though!

we are trying to restore our 1918 Victrola to put in the living room, but we can't figure out what's wrong with it even after taking it apart and giving it a really good cleaning. :(


The kids have started their new schools and they both love it, thank goodness, and I am too because they ride the bus and the stop is just right down from our house!
There are also a bunch of kids in the neighborhood for them to play with which makes me really happy, but why do they all end up at our house........ ;)

My daughter is playing volley ball, which i love because I used to play it too! we are planning a halloween party- pics to come!, the fair is coming soon, my sons birthday is on October 19th and we have our good friends wedding next week. Whew we have been busy little bees!

And then there is nursing school...everything you hear about it is true! It's a killer and I'm not sure I will make it out alive!!! (^0^)

here's a couple good one I have seen on Pinterest and Facebook:

 All true!

And the absolute best news ever....
He asked me to marry him!!!


Take care of yourselves and I will see you all....uh....sometime!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I know someone who's having a give away!

My friend Rhissanna is having a lovely give away over at her blog. There's a wee little tea party, mysterious flowering tea and bunnies! You'll have to go and see! But hurry hurry you only have until June 1!

(and please forgive me if I didn't do this linking thing right, it's my first time!)

Photo by Planet 37 on Deviantart

P.s. It's official, all the papers are signed, we bought a house! Now we just have to do all the moving......forgive if I am scare for awhile.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The New House and Painting Furniture

We bought a house!
I am not jumping up and down to celebrate until the keys are in my hand.
Anything can happen. This is the 5th house we've tried for, but we are supposed to be closing on Friday.
crappy pic but here it is, isn't it pretty!
 *Cautious* YAY!

So I am trying to repaint some furniture before we move. I am a very messy painter and I don't want to get the new House all painty. I even bought a huge canvas drop cloth to put under my new little crafty area.

Yes a new little craft cubby!
I am excited, but also nervous because I am hoping it works out well.
See?there is is in the back corner of the basement. I am going to move that middle shelf down and make a little desk. So here is the before pic, stay tuned for the after!

So, I have been wanting to pick up stray furniture and repaint or repurpose it for a really really long time.
I guess I never really tried because I thought I would really mess it up.
Well, For our new bedroom we are going to use my grandma and grandpa's antique bedroom set. It really needs a new coat of paint. I also wanted to use a mirror I bought years ago which was quite expensive, but the gold color of the frame has gone quite out of fashion. My daughter, being almost 12 has also decided she wants a sleek new room, and I am looking for cheap ways to do that. So my adventure begins!

More pics soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's about time!

It's about time I wrote a new post!

sorry about the absence. You see, I am trying to pack an entire household for our move. That's right, we got the house!
Needless to say, I am trying to figure out how to move an entire house since this will be my first time ever doing it, and we've been here for over 10 years, we've accumulated a lot of junk!

Boxes everywhere! (and the stuff seems to be mostly mine, why is that?) lol

So here I am in box land trying to be creative. So far I have made several necklaces I am going to try and sell, and several I want to keep for myself and several total flops! Practice makes perfect right?

I am toying with the idea of starting a year long challenge of trying to do something artistic/creative everyday, but I am not sure if I want to commit to that with moving and nursing classes and the kids blah blah blah. :)

So here are some flops and some I am keeping, lol! From right to left, I should have laid it down for the photo, but it is a birdcage with a small white bird inside, I added the bow and a tag that says Inspire. The second one is obviously an octopus. For some reason they have become popular in the steampunk world. If I can find more like it I will sell them. The next one is the first necklace piece I ever made-gotta keep that one! I made a second one and sent it to my Mom in Texas. The one up top is just something I was messing around with. The watch I found and added the tag. The blue one is a piece of fused glass I made with the kit I got for Christmas. I need to wait until we get in the new house to make more. Something with this one went kind of wrong on the side, you can't see it in the photo. It is one of the only ones that didn't break in the fusing process!

Here's the first piece I have sold. I only sold it to a friend for $2, but it's a start!

*happy dance*

The only other piece I sold was a print on Deviant Art and I mad like 36 cents. It is called the Fountain, you know from the movie. It''s a beautiful movie I recommend any of you creative type see it.

I did this piece a long time ago, it was actually one of my first photo-manipulations.

So here is my first batch of necklaces I am going to try and sell, I am not sure how long it will take me to get enough together to take to a craft show so I may try to sell them on Etsy. What do you think?

And here are several of my newest pieces, I have started to love found poetry!

And I leave you with a little bit of happy, because I'm quirky like that!

While on one of my recent excursions, I was just lucky enough to come across one of the most elusive finds in the world we live in...

Unicorn poo!

Have a great Day!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here's the second print!

Hello! I finally finished another of my botanical prints for the series, in between what seems like a million other projects. I will put it up for sale on Deviant Art shortly. Goodnight and sweet dreams!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Starting a new line!

I am starting  new line of botanical prints. I am using primarily images from the graphics fairy and aging them, and adding brushes etc. I suppose they are photo manipulations, but not really?! So far I have one up for sale at Deviant art, hopefully I will have more up soon. Thank goodness fall semester is finally over!
So far it's boringly only called Butterflies and Caterpillars, maybe I will come up with a better title, maybe not!

Now I need to research printing methods so I can make prints to take to craft shows along with my jewelry- as soon as I get enough jewelry made to sell.

I guess I am always waiting for my bunny wings to take flight! Can't wait till I finally get out there!

Until next time!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hello all!

I am always lagging a bit behind but have finally found the website Pinterest!
I've been having so much fun this morning browsing around there I thought, "wow I need to blog about this!" They have so many great ideas, some really adorable photos and some wonderful art on there.

So is anyone else have an account on pinterest? I haven't the least idea how it works yet, so if anyone has any tips, please share!

Here's a couple goodies I found there!

P.s. still waiting to hear about the house and I am so excited not to be going to school next semester-even though I am the worlds oldest college student, lol ! I get to focus on my art for a whole 16 weeks! I have been really wanting to do some digital works....

 The most adorable coat! If I were thinner, and had more money and time to be more stylish I would definitely have to have one!
 Strange and beautiful art.
 Most. Adorable. Kitten. Ever.
 Love this idea, made me think, there are so many cool decorating ideas, maybe I should start posting about that somehow...
 Great idea to keep dust off of your baseboards, don't cha hate that???
And this is just pure Happy!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sorry for the absence!

Hello my friends!
I hope your new year is treating you well!
My latest round of classes at Chamberlain/Devry have started so 
I hate to admit, I don't have much time for blogging right now. But Don't You Fear!
I will blog when I can.
The things I am focused on this January-

1. Always my #1, my kids. An 11 year old and a 6 year old, always a handful.

2. Nursing school, I am so ready for it to be over so I can focus on art!
(oh I got a got a beginners fused glass kit for Christmas, yay! I already tried one piece but I must have nuked it too long because it came out in 3 different pieces, oops!)
someday I hope to be able to create things like this...

3. Trying to lose this stubborn 40 pounds. I am looking for motivation if any one has any for sale :)

4. Purging and packing our belongings to move into the our house, we are still waiting to hear, but I was updated this morning that the bank was reviewing all the paperwork. Cross your fingers!

and finally- I am finally going to have a devoted space for a little art studio! it's in our basement but it has a little window and it's My Own little corner and I don't have to worry about sploshing my paint! Whoo hoo!
Could this be our first house??? Yes it could!!!

In the meantime, I will be reading, and I recommend it to everyone who comes across this blog-

The addicting tale of a foray in the world of Victorian steampunk!